New and Improved Jenkins JFrog Plugin

The Latest JFrog Plugin for Jenkins

We all know that artifact management is an important part of our development lifecycle, and if you’re using Jenkins you’ll also need to store your builds and binaries. In the world of DevOps, efficient integration and management of artifacts and dependencies are crucial for successful software delivery. Together,  Jenkins and JFrog Artifactory offer a powerful …

A Two-Way Jira Speedway, the JFrog Artifactory App

The path between two clouds ought to be a speedy two-way street. That’s the DevOps pipeline principle behind the JFrog Artifactory App for Jira, which forges a traceable link between your issues in Jira Cloud and your builds in Artifactory on the JFrog DevOps Platform for cloud.  Bringing Issue Tracking to your DevOps Pipeline Once …

Shift Your IDE Left With Xray Plugins

“Forewarned is forearmed,” cautions the old proverb, and that truth coined in the 16th century is even more apt for DevSecOps in the 21st. The earlier you know about vulnerabilities, the better you can avoid making them part of your software. That’s the same principle behind a “Shift Left” DevSecOps strategy. Rather than waiting for …

Power to the People – Customize and Extend Artifactory with User Plugins

From our experience with thousands of Artifactory users, we know one thing for sure:we don’t know better. Every organization does its ALM differently: artifact approval flow, snapshot retention policies, build-to-release flow, governance, required metadata and much, much more – each organization is different. We definitely have some ideas on how the build and deploy process …

Artifactory User Plugins in 5 Screenshots or Less

Actually, less (only 4).Remember the blog post about user plugins? How easy and fast is it to add or change functionality in Artifactory? When you went skeptic, like “come on, it’s nice in the blog post, but how useful it really is?” Here’s real live example from today:This morning (~09:30 AM in Netanya, Israel) I found …

Beat the binary repository developer (a.k.a. User Plugins)

From our experience with thousands of Artifactory users we know one thing for sure: we don’t know better. Every organization does its ALM differently: artifact approval flow, snapshot retention policies, build-to-release flow, governance, needed metadata and much, much more – they are all different. We definitely have some ideas on how the build and deploy …