swampUP Announcements. Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

New announcements at swampUP

JFrog Product Announcements:

JFrog Xray:  JFrog Xray is the first universal impact analysis product, giving organizations an unparalleled level of understanding about all of their container images, software packages and binary artifacts, even with the huge volume and variety of components that development teams share in the software build and distribution process.
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Distribution Repositories: JFrog Artifactory tightens integration with Bintray with the introduction of Distribution Repositories. Artifacts promoted through the quality gates to the distribution repository defined in Artifactory automatically get pushed to Bintray for distribution to customers.
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Disaster Recovery: JFrog Mission Control prevents the loss of critical data in the event of an Artifactory instance going down. By defining Master/DR pairs, a master instance is automatically replicated to its corresponding DR instance, and in case of a catastrophic event, or just taking the master instance down for maintenance, all traffic is routed to the DR instance with a single click.

Automated License Provisioning: Managing licensing for a large number of JFrog Artifactory instances is a now breeze. JFrog Mission Control automates the whole process using buckets of license that can be attached to, or detached from any number of Artifactory instances using JFrog CLI.
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Nexus Migrator: Migrating from Sonatype Nexus to JFrog Artifactory has never been easier. The nexus2art migrator makes it easy. Easy setup, easy tuning, easy verification, easy execution.
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Google Cloud Platform Support:  JFrog announced its support for Google Cloud Platform as the newest addition to the list of major cloud providers that it supports. This addition of support for Google Cloud Platform expands customers’ freedom of choice in deploying JFrog Artifactory to manage software packages.
Press Release | Next16

JFrog Partner Integration Announcements:

Atlassian Bitbucket Integration: JFrog released a joint solution with Atlassian that provides an out-of-the-box DevOps lifecycle solution that spans from source configuration management to continuous integration, to binary management and distribution. This joint solution also serves as a ‘single source of truth’ by providing unprecedented visibility and traceability from Bitbucket.
Press Release | Read more | AtlasCamp

Mesosphere Integration: JFrog Artifactory will become a standard universal artifact repository and container registry in Mesosphere’s DC/OS, the first open and comprehensive platform for building, running and scaling modern enterprise applications.
Press Release | Read more

Azure DevOps/TFS Integration: The integration between Azure DevOps/TFS and JFrog Artifactory provides the capability to publish any kind of artifacts, capture build information, and provide seamless navigation between both platforms.
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Sumo Logic Integration: JFrog announced its collaboration with Sumo Logic to create the Sumo Logic App.  This app automatically connects all the data generated from global multiple instances of JFrog Artifactory to the Sumo Logic data analytics platform and puts users one click away from pre-enabled out-of-the-box analytics dashboards that deliver instant value.
Press Release | Read more