Platform Administration

JFrog Platform Administration Documentation

Content Type
Administration / Platform

The following sections provide detailed information on how to manage JFrog Platform.

JFrog Platform Configuration

Configure system settings, manage licenses, configure proxies, and manage platform deployments.

Identity and Access

Manage JFrog Platform security configuration, users, groups, permissions, and access tokens.

Authentication Providers

Manage authentication providers that you can use with the JFrog Platform

Access Federation

Access Federation gives you control over access to all, or any subset of your services from one location by synchronizing all security entities (users, groups, permissions, and access tokens) between the federated services. Once Access Federation has been set up, you can manage all security entities in the federated services from one place.


JFrog Projects is a management entity for hosting your resources (repositories, builds, Release Bundles, and Pipelines), and for associating users/groups as members with specific entitlements.


Environments are used to aggregate project resources (like repositories and Pipeline sources) to simplify their management.


A Webhook is an automated notification mechanism that is triggered by events that you define. When a webhook is triggered, it sends relevant information about the event to a web location that is listening for that specific event notification. The webhook is comprised of three simple components – the triggering event, the information about the event (the “payload”), and the web location listening for the event.


Workers service provides more flexibility to accomplish your use cases. You can use these workers to perform certain tasks that extend the capabilities of the JFrog Platform according to your requirements. 

Topology and Trends

Topology and dashboards in JFrog Platform provides administrators with visibility into the health and status of your registered JFrog Platform Deployments (JPDs) and services. You can see the connections between the JPDs across geographical locations around the world and even drill-down to view the status of a single JPD and its associated services.System Architecture

Monitoring and Logging

JFrog Platform offers strong monitoring and logging features designed to assist in system monitoring.